Information on my HOPE 2020 talk ‘Stop Botting My Baby: How to Protect Your New Streaming Platform from Malicious Automation’.

Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) 2020 was a great virtual conference. I appreciate them hosting a talk from yours truly —


Stop Botting My Baby: How to Protect Your New Streaming Platform from Malicious Automation


The launch of HBO Max yielded a lot of attention, though some of it was unwelcome. Credential stuffers, content scrapers, and trolls lined up to test this infant streaming platform. You’ll hear how such threats were mitigated - sparing the app from media turmoil - plus maybe how to write your own (better!) bots.


You can catch recordings via your choice of these services —

Enjoy + thanks for watching ✌️

Randy Gingeleski - GitHub - - LinkedIn